Beginner Kannada is a simple and direct Kannada language learning app meant as an introduction to beginners and enthusiasts.
Based on the 'a word a day' concept, this app provides up to 12 words a day of your choosing.
All words 'learnt' are tested repeatedly thereafter, on a basis of decreasing regularity, if answered correctly, as you gain familiarity with the said word. Vice versa, if incorrectly answered, the app will adjust to test you more on the word, or 'deactivate' it, while you learn other words meanwhile.
Pace yourself as you go through the almost a thousand common and popular Kannada words available in the app. In just a matter of weeks, you will have an essential knowledge of the Kannada vocabulary !
Pemula Kannada adalah Kannada aplikasi pembelajaran bahasa yang sederhana dan langsung dimaksudkan sebagai pengantar pemula dan penggemar.
Berdasarkan 'kata hari' konsep, aplikasi ini menyediakan sampai 12 kata per hari yang Anda pilih.
Semua kata-kata 'belajar' diuji berulang kali setelahnya, atas dasar penurunan keteraturan, jika menjawab dengan benar, karena Anda mendapatkan keakraban dengan kata kata. Sebaliknya, jika menjawab salah, aplikasi akan menyesuaikan untuk menguji lebih banyak pada kata, atau 'menonaktifkan' itu, sementara Anda belajar kata lain sementara.
Pace diri saat Anda pergi melalui hampir seribu kata Kannada umum dan populer yang tersedia di app. Hanya dalam hitungan minggu, Anda akan memiliki pengetahuan penting dari kosakata Kannada!
Beginner Kannada is a simple and direct Kannada language learning app meant as an introduction to beginners and enthusiasts.
Based on the 'a word a day' concept, this app provides up to 12 words a day of your choosing.
All words 'learnt' are tested repeatedly thereafter, on a basis of decreasing regularity, if answered correctly, as you gain familiarity with the said word. Vice versa, if incorrectly answered, the app will adjust to test you more on the word, or 'deactivate' it, while you learn other words meanwhile.
Pace yourself as you go through the almost a thousand common and popular Kannada words available in the app. In just a matter of weeks, you will have an essential knowledge of the Kannada vocabulary !